Blog articles on topics that really move logisticians

On board

Written by Riege Software | Jun 6, 2018 10:00:00 PM

During its general meeting on Thursday, June 7th, the committee of the Air Cargo Community Frankfurt (ACCF) elected Dr. Tobias Riege as a managing member of its board. While already acclaimed as an interim member earlier this year, the election confirmed his prior commitment to the goals of the ACCF and its members.

“I did not win an election, I have gained trust and credit, I got an assignment. Now I have to perform. And I will.”

– Dr. Tobias Riege, CEO of Riege Software.


Following his election, Dr. Riege pointed out that he is going to work on his assignment promptly and promised to keep his commitment over the entire period of his membership.


“I didn't come for the title, but for the challenge and results.”

– Dr. Tobias Riege, CEO of Riege Software.

That is how it should be and will be.